What is Wavelength?

Wavelength is a next-generation AMM (Automated Market Maker) on the Velas Network, built on BalancerV2's ingenious system. Wavelength allows for low-slippage trading through highly efficient customizable liquidity pools aimed at revolutionizing Defi on Velas and modernizing the ecosystem.

What are Weighted Pools ?

Weighted Pools are Liquidity Pools that take in up to eight tokens instead of the standard two. These have set percentages that each asset should always represent. Arbitrageurs are responsible for rebalancing the pools as arbitrage opportunities exist whenever the pool becomes unbalanced.

What is veWAVE

veWAVE NFTs are the Governance Tokens of the Wavelength Protocol, they entitle holders of the NFTs to governance and gauge voting and fee distributions from the protocol's revenue.

What is different about Wavelength?

Wavelength is NOT a traditional AMM. An array of features that separate Wavelength from conventional AMMs and other protocols on Velas. These include: Weighted Pools; Stable Pools; Smart Order Router (SOR).

What is the Smart Order Router (SOR)

The Smart Order Router is the automatic system of routing orders that finds the best possible prices. It is what allows Wavelength to offer its users a low slippage trading experience even in scenarios of less-than-optimal liquidity conditions.

How do I provide liquidity to Wavelength Pools?

On Wavelength’s website, go to the “Pools” section, and you will see the list of incentivized pools.You can provide liquidity by depositing any of the Liquidity Pool's assets or all them at once. When withdrawing, you can withdraw the funds split across all the assets in the pool or in the form of a single asset of the pool of your choice.

What are the security measures taken to ensure protocol legitimacy and user security?

Several security measures have been taken to ensure protocol legitimacy and user security. These include: All of Wavelength’s relevant wallets are protected by a multisig; Contract audits for all smart contracts..

What is the relationship between Wavelength and Multichain?

Multichain is the Official Liquidity Partner of Wavelength! This means that Wavelength will be the first protocol ever on Velas to support Multichain’s wrapped assets. As a consequence, Wavelength will NOT support any other issuer’s wrapped assets.

Have the Wavelength contracts been audited?

Yes! Chainsulting, a well-known company in Web3 cybersecurity, audited Wavelength’s code. The contracts are safe for you to interact with.

Who is the team behind Wavelength?

The Wavelength developer team, is a multi-faceted group of committed individuals with extensive experience in developing, maintaining, and managing Web3 based businesses.

What are the uses intended for the tokens allocated to the treasury?

Funds allocated to the treasury will be used for marketing, partnerships of all kinds, developer grants building on top of Wavelength, protocol maintenance, or WAVE Protocol Owned Liquidity. The treasury will not be used for any other reason, unless otherwise decided by the DAO.

Is the initial $WAVE liquidity locked?

Yes, 9% of the total supply is allocated to initial liquidity provision to be paired with VLX, this liquidity will be locked for 6 months.

How can I swap tokens on Wavelength?

Swapping tokens on Wavelength is a very similar experience to that of other protocols alike. In other words, it is effortless. If you have never used an AMM Dex, follow the steps: 1) Connect your desktop or mobile wallet to Wavelength by clicking on the “Connect Wallet” on the top right button; 2) Select the two assets you want to swap. On top is the one you are selling, and on the bottom is the buying one; 3) Input the amount you wish to buy; 4) Check the slippage and the minimum received of the token you’re buying. The less slippage you suffer, the more you will receive; 5) Click the “swap” button on the bottom of the swap interface; 6) Make sure to have enough $VLX in your wallet to pay the gas fee and sign the transaction. 7) Now just wait a couple of seconds for your transaction to be confirmed (your wallet should notify you); 8) And that is it! Your swap is successful!

How do I bridge to Velas?

You can obtain $VLX on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) through AMMs like PancakeSwap, but how do you get it to Velas Chain? You will need to use a bridge to get your tokens inside Velas Chain. Bridging (nto be confused with swapping) is moving a token from one chain to another. Because the transactions occurs in 2 chains, this could take 10min ~ 24 hours, depending on the traffic.

How do I get my first gas fee? (faucet)

I have no tokens to pay for gas fees! HELP! After you bridge to Velas, you will need some $VLX gas to perform transactions on the network. Velas has you covered! You can use some free $VLX gas to swap tokens for more $VLX for gas. Go to https://stakely.io/en/faucet/velas-vlx .

How do I migrate from the old wrapped assets to the new Multichain wrapped assets?

Neither Velas, nor Multichain, nor Wavelength will offer any migration services for wrapped assets. If you happen to own wrapped assets on Velas that were NOT ISSUED by Multichain and wish to use Wavelength, you must either: 1) Bridge other assets from different networks via Multichain; 2) Bridge your wrapped assets back to the original networks and then rebridge to Velas via the Multichain bridge.

What are the ways to acquire Wave Token?

There are 2 ways to acquire $WAVE Tokens: 1) You can buy $ tokens from Liquidity Pools; 2) You can provide liquidity to any incentivized Liquidity Pool and you will earn $WAVE tokens as rewards.

How do I provide liquidity to Wavelength Pools?

On Wavelength’s website, go to the “Pools” section, and you will see the list of incentivized pools. You can provide liquidity by depositing any of the Liquidity Pool's assets or all them at once. When withdrawing, you can withdraw the funds split across all the assets in the pool or in the form of a single asset of the pool of your choice.

How do I create a custom pool?

Wavelength pools are permissionless, meaning anyone can create a liquidity pool with any token and weights (for example, 60%$VLX - 40%$USDC or 90%$VLX - 10% USDC), allowing users to choose how much exposure they want to have to each of the tokens in the pool when providing liquidity. To create a pool, you need to go to Wavelength’s website => “Pools” => “Compose a Pool”.